Thursday, 27 July 2017




         Time Three Hours                                                                              Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Answer any six questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. [a] Define Advertising. Explain its objectives.
    [b] What is an advertising medium? How a medium is selected ?
    [c] What is an advertising agency ? What points are considered in choosing an advertising agency?
    [d] What are the important features of an advertisement copy?
    [e] Is salesmanship an art or science ? Explain.
    [f] What is a headline in advertisement copy? What are the essentials of a good headline?
    [g] What are the advantages and limitations of Outdoor advertising?
    [h] How is advertising effectiveness tested?

                                                                                                            [6*5=30 marks]

Part B
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

II .  What is an advertisement budget ? What methods are used in determining the advertisement                budget?
III.  What is the necessity of training salesman ? Explain different methods of training salesmen.
IV.  What is  meant by buying motive of consumers ? Explain the various type of buying motives.
V .  What is meant by customer survey ? Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative surveys.
                                                                                                            [2*10=20 marks]

Part C
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks. 

VI.[a] Differentiate between advertisement and personal selling. Are they supplementary to each                    other ? illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
     [b] Explain the various sales promotion methods undertaken at dealers' as well as                                        consumers' levels
     [c] What is the importance of television advertising in India? Explain is its future

                                                                                                        [2*12.5=25 marks]



         Time Three Hours                                                                              Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Answer any six questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Merits and demerits of direct and indirect taxes.
2. Explain : 
        [a] Compensatory tax.
        [b] Consumption tax.
3. System of taxation Kautilya's Arthasasthtra.
4. Discuss limits on taxing powers.
5. Art.19[1][g] and fiscal statute.
6. Regressive and regressive taxation.
7. Direct tax code and Central Board of Direct Taxes.
8. Social aspects of taxation.
                                                                                                                 [6*5=30 marks]

Part B
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Prohibition on taxing sale during export import is only on state government and not on Union             Government . Comment.
2. Critically evaluate the role of Finance Commission in the equitable distribution of tax                            arrangements.
3. Charging sections of taxing statute should be strictly construct. But procedural sections should be       liberally construct. Comment.
                                                                                                                   [2*10=20 marks]

Part C
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks. 

  1. Discuss the assignment of tax powers and tax sharing arrangement between centre and state.
  2.  Analyse the fiscal reforms in India based on the recommendation of various tax reforms committees.
  3. Origin and development of law in India.
                                                                                                      [2*12.5=25 marks]



         Time Three Hours                                                                              Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Answer any six questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. What are the defenses available to the employer against claim for compensation under the                    workman compensation Act.
2. Explain the concept of gratuity. How does it differ from Pension and Provident Fund.
3.Explain the procedure for fixing minimum wage.
4. Examine the procedure for adjudication of claims by the E.S.I Courts.
5. Write a note on the machinery and procedure for realization of compensation under the Workmen       Compensation Act.
6. State how gross profit is computed under the Payment of Bonus Act.
7. Explain the theory of National extension of employers.
8. What are the powers and duties of Inspectors under the Employees,Provident Fund Act?

                                                                                                            [6*5=30 marks]

Part B
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. An employee of a company had gone on leave for 6 days on 8th January 2015. He remained absent till 5th March 2015 without obtaining leave on 6th he produced a medical certificate issued by the Civil Surgeon of his native place stating that he had suffered from chronic malaria dysentry.
The manager of the company send him to the medical officer of the company for examinations, The doctor after examination reported that he was not able to confirm it. There fore the company refused to take him park to service. The employee approaches  the Court under the E.S.I Act .Decide.

2. Ramu with his father and brothers are partners carrying on the sale, and manufacture of 'Agrabathies' The firm was dissolved on 5the march 2014 on 20-4-2014, he started a new firm with his sons as partners for the doing the same kind of business. Decide whether the new firm is entitled to infancy protection under the Employees Provident Fund Act.

3. A workman met with an accident in the course of employment while engaged in his daily work.But while doing his duty he wilfully removed the safety measures provided by the employer. As s result he become totally disabled to do any work. Decide whether the employer is liable.

4. A guard on duty in the railway Station while proceeding for work, was stabbed and killed in a communal riot. I the employer liable to pay compensation?

                                                                                                            [2*10=20 marks]

Part C
Answer any two questions.

All questions carry equal marks. 

1. Give a brief account of unauthorised deductions under the payment of Wages Act.
2. Critically examine the salient features of the Bonus Act. Do you think that it is proper to call this statutory right as 'Bonus'?
3. Outlines the health, safety and welfare measures contemplated under the Factories Act,1948.
4. "The payment of gratuity is not gratuitous ". Explain the statement referring to the provision of Payment of Gratuity Act.

                                                                                        [2*12.5=25 marks]



         Time Three Hours                                                                  Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Answer any six questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Causes and impact of environmental pollution.
2. What kind of acts are prohibited in the reserve forest ?
3. Role of social movements in environmental management.
4. Powers of Central Government under Environment [Protection] Act,1986.
5. Environmental Impact Assessment.
6. Legal measures for protection of wildlife.
7. How far the legal framework protect forest in India ?
8. Discuss sustainable development.
                                                                                                                   [6*5=30 marks]

Part B
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks

1. A company charged with pollution of river take samples and submitted to pollution board, which had send the same to a private analyst's laboratory. Analyse the evidentiary value of the report.
2. The state Government took a decision to convert all green areas and parks in towns and cities to commercial and residential areas. Can this decision be challenged ?
3. A petition is filed by an N.G.O.,before the supreme court to stop the import of cattle feed into India on the ground that it is contaminated by germs and nuclear fallout. What the Supreme court can do?
4. The Magistrate issued an order totally banning the use of polythene bags.'ABC company engaged in the manufacture of polythene bags challenges this order as violative of their fundamental right. Decide.
                                                                                                       [2*10=20 marks]

Part C
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. "Right to healthy environment is included in Art.21- Explain.
2. Examine the importance of conservation of forest to fight against ecological imbalance.
3. Analyse the constitution, powers and functions of pollution control Boards under Water Act.
                                                                                                     [2*12.5=25 marks]



         Time Three Hours                                                                              Maximum : 75 Marks

Part A
Answer any six questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain attestation.
2. What do you mean by ostensible-owner?
3. Explain the term Simple Mortgage.
4. When can a mortgager redeem a usufructuary mortgage?
5. Doctrine of acceleration.
6. Explain Customary Easement.
7. State the difference between vested interest and contingent interest.
8. What is onerous gift?

                                                                                                                 [6*5=30 marks]

Part B
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks

1. A mortgages the properties X and Y to B. A then mortgages X to C. C brings X to sale to enforce his mortgage and himself purchases X. B  then obtains an order for sale on his mortgage. What is the remedy of C?
2. A deed of gift recited that the donee or his successor  had no right to transfer the property gifted. It also provided that donor and his successor would have the right to revoke the gift in case of transfer by the donee. Explain the validity of such a condition.
3. X, transferred the properties to the legal heirs of an unborn person who is in the womb. Explain the legality of the transaction.
                                                                                                                 [2*10=20 marks]

Part C
Answer any two questions.
All questions carry equal marks. 

1. Discuss with illustration the doctrine of part performance.
2. Explain mortgage. What are the rights and liabilities of mortgager and mortgagee ?
3. Gift of Movable and Immovable properties. 
                                                                                          [2*12.5=25 marks]


  1. Great job....
    Helpful to others

  2. വളരെ നന്നായിട്ടുണ്ട് .. നല്ല ചിന്തയാണ് ..
    കൂടുതൽ പേർക്ക് ഉപകരിക്കട്ടെ .. എന്റെ എല്ലാവിധ സപ്പോർട്ട് ഉണ്ടാകും .. ആശംസകൾ ..
